Sunday, April 13, 2008


Duration: 01:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-29 21:46:07

A girl complaining well talking about the craziness thast she has to deal with going through developments


GothicAlchemy  2008-03-14 15:10:13

True. very true it's hurt i am right in the flopen middle and i have no idea what the hell is going on so bla.
itzlagana  2007-09-25 00:28:18

hmm you should share this with some kids in a third world country going through puberty. I'm sure they could relate to how tough it is
vincevjb08  2007-03-29 01:19:37

ur pretty weird but, and pizza, chocolate and someother shit that they say malke u get pimples but, they dont, chocolate i know for sure doesnt give u pimples.

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