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Duration: 00:35 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-16 14:22:24 User: tommyga87 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: allenamento speciale!!!!! |
Monday, October 15, 2007
allenamento calcio
what happens to stick figures on crack
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Duration: 00:28 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-25 21:05:12 User: fatpoopy :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: thisis what happens |
Comments | |
fatpoopy ::: Favorites yes...it is,what about it? 07-08-26 17:50:08 __________________________________________________ | |
lyon1535 ::: Favorites that's a game..... 07-08-26 12:09:49 __________________________________________________ |
(Omaha) Online Poker Strategy #3
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Duration: 16:16 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-16 22:52:42 User: gder01 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: I respond to the jealous comments mad by people, and show some of my Omaha action. Busted in 9th, but was happy with the play, cards didnt fall right. Phil Ivey and Benyamine are cool. |
Comments | |
TGSM19 ::: Favorites Man u guys are dumb , he folds the hand right > ? at 8:33 , cant you see the spade does come off , he saved himself alllot of money . you guys are the retarted not him , he pwns . 07-10-01 12:06:36 __________________________________________________ | |
lilaznpryde13 ::: Favorites yoo this guy is a fucken retard lol he call for drawing a low str8 and there were possible the nut str8 and he fold the fucken nuts at 8:00 . haha this guy is a fucken retard stfu and GTFO you idiot 07-09-24 17:43:46 __________________________________________________ | |
Idonodanne ::: Favorites At 8:00 DOESENT HE HAVE A GOD DAMN NUTSTRAIGHT?! 07-09-17 18:12:20 __________________________________________________ | |
patrickjaang ::: Favorites His strategies are nuts! He complains about overvaluing flush draws. He overvalues bottom pair! 07-09-12 13:23:05 __________________________________________________ | |
toxzen ::: Favorites this video has help my game tremendously. 07-09-02 13:09:57 __________________________________________________ | |
TanJuan ::: Favorites have u heard of pizza delivery moron? 07-09-01 01:56:14 __________________________________________________ | |
spb909 ::: Favorites Thanks again Gder01! I brought $100 to an Omaha table and although at first I fell to $70, I got focused and used your strategy to win $3,000! I have never felt better in my life! Thank you for sharing secrets to lesser poker players! 07-08-30 03:30:08 __________________________________________________ | |
Funkert ::: Favorites great video! i tried omaha and tripled up my bankroll in an hour after watching this! 07-08-27 01:21:02 __________________________________________________ | |
j0natan ::: Favorites hahah This cant be for real, play me HU omaha 07-08-18 22:49:25 __________________________________________________ | |
blankoblanco ::: Favorites bucklox played play money. this is real money. this is real. the.. "real deal" you made say. he's unorthodox but you should try opening your mind 07-08-18 21:08:29 __________________________________________________ |
deniz gezmis
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Duration: 02:25 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-21 08:28:58 User: solyoluu :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Deniz Gezmiş: " Yaşasın tam bağımsız Türkiye.Yaşasın Marksizm- Leninizm. Yaşasın Türk ve Kürt halklarının kardeşliği. Yaşasın İşçiler, köylüler. Kahrolsun emperyalizm," Yusuf Aslan: "Ben ülkemin bağımsızlığı ve halkımın mutluluğu için şerefimle bir defa ölüyorum. Sizler bizi asanlar şerefsizliğinizle her gün öleceksiniz. Biz halkımızın hizmetindeyiz. Sizler Amerikanın hizmetindesiniz. Yaşasın devrimciler. Kahrolsun faşizm, ". Hüseyin İnan: "Ben şahsi hiçbir çıkar gözetmeden halkımın mutluluğu ve bağımsızlığı için savaştım. Bu bayrağı bu ana kadar şerefle taşıdım. Bundan sonra bu bayrağı Türk halkına emanet ediyorum. Yaşasın işçiler, köylüler ve yaşasın devrimciler. Kahrolsun faşizm!" dediler. |
Pac-Man Fever
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Duration: 00:45 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-06 19:46:19 User: coltskid18 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: My first vid, so bear with me You never knew Pac-Man Could Boogie... |
Comments | |
GOTHMIDNIGHTMERMAID ::: Favorites Nurse Ms. Pacman! Lol!! xD 07-09-22 13:26:01 __________________________________________________ | |
zoidberg87 ::: Favorites did you see my "pac-man fever - Dan & Dav" video ? it's kind of funny! 07-08-25 04:31:59 __________________________________________________ | |
coltskid18 ::: Favorites Thanks 07-08-06 22:08:45 __________________________________________________ | |
GrammyGang ::: Favorites LOL Awesome so funny 07-08-06 21:03:30 __________________________________________________ |
VVV Venlo 2 - Getafe CF 2
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Duration: 01:20 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-12 14:28:00 User: javidel :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Goles de Kepa y Uche. www.supergeta.com |
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Venlonaar1988 ::: Favorites Forza VVV (im from venlo and VVV fan) 07-09-08 08:00:59 __________________________________________________ |
venomfangx blames the holocaust on JEWS!
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Duration: 09:53 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-12 02:10:00 User: jordanowen42 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: This one has to be heard to be believed. Let this vile statement stand as testament to why this charlatan must be exposed for the deluded basket case that he is. Any one who wants to write in and try to tell me what he REALLY meant by this statement and why it is not sick, inhumane, hogwash but something of VALUE can assume I have given them this response: "He said that the Jewish people incurred the holocaust on themselves by their own actions. It doesn't matter what your silly little book says, not one of those people deserved what happened to them and to say that it is the fulfillment of a prophecy is just as vile as sympathizing directly with Hitler. |
Comments | |
simps500 ::: Favorites Dude, if God has hell at His disposal to punish people with, why would there be a need for the Holocaust? Such fucking idiots. VenomFangX also told me that the Jews deserved the Holocaust, and, well...he's a piece of shit. 07-10-15 02:49:33 __________________________________________________ | |
NephilimFree ::: Favorites "That doesn't make it the word of god!: You have just revealed your ignorance of the word. I sayt again, the name-meanings of the 1st 10 patriarchs in the bible foem a sentance p-rophesizing the coming of Christ. You have much to learn: ww w . bible-codes . org / Names-Bible-Prophecy-Code . h t m 07-10-11 02:17:38 __________________________________________________ | |
jordanowen42 ::: Favorites I totally agree- the bible has a LOT of passages that state that the Bible IS the word of god. Its full of them! That doesn't make it the word of god! You CAN NOT prove what happens after anyone dies and you CAN NOT prove that your laws were handed down from god. As Nietzsche put it: A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows us faith proves nothing. 07-10-11 01:55:52 __________________________________________________ | |
NephilimFree ::: Favorites "I don't fear my own judgment" You do if you reject the son of God. "silly religious observances into laws" The laws were laid down by God a long time ago. Not by man. "I have no idea what, if anything, happens after you die" You've been informed. Rejhecting the knowlegde is your problem. Have you studied it? Nope. That's why you do not understand. You cannot imagine the proof in the Bible... because yopu refuse to accept or study. 07-10-11 01:20:12 __________________________________________________ | |
NephilimFree ::: Favorites "The holocaust was BAD." The Jewish people, having been outrageously blessed in a most outrageously personal wasy, refecting God is very BAD. I mean, when God releases your people from bondage, protects then and feeds them with bead from the sky for 40 yrs etc. etc, anfd then they reject his son... well, that's BAD. Guess what. They rejected salvation. Guess what. There is a price for that. Huh. You need Bible study. 07-10-11 01:16:52 __________________________________________________ | |
jordanowen42 ::: Favorites I don't fear my own judgment, but I do want to live in a world where assholes like you aren't turning their silly religious observances into laws for the rest of us to live by. I have no idea what, if anything, happens after you die, but I'm not going to change my lifestyle because some high strung religious nuts are telling me their loving god will be mean to me after I die, something NOT ONE OF THEM CAN PROVE! 07-10-10 22:50:51 __________________________________________________ | |
jordanowen42 ::: Favorites Again, you judge me. I'm not sure how you extrapolated all of this, but what I'm saying is: The holocaust was BAD. It SHOULD NOT have happened. Acting like the holocaust was part of god's judgment is INHUMAN. 07-10-10 22:37:03 __________________________________________________ | |
jordanowen42 ::: Favorites You just accused me of chasing slutty women and smoking dope all day. The other one is true. anyway, you just passed judgment on me! Let he who without sin cast the first stone? As for hating god, do you hate the tooth fairy? 07-10-10 22:33:47 __________________________________________________ | |
NephilimFree ::: Favorites "You misunderstand me- there is no NECESSITY for the holocaust happening." In your mind it is not because: 1. you don't WANT there to be any justice from God because you fear your own judgement 2. you don't believe God is anywhere near as merciful and loving as he is if he can have perfect justice. But this is a symptom of your unwillingness to know God, not his unwillingness to say, "Oh what the heck. Do whatever you like. Who cares! I'm tired of straightening man out anyway." 07-10-10 19:19:40 __________________________________________________ | |
NephilimFree ::: Favorites "a punishment from a childish and petty god" Yes yes, we know you hate God's justice because it points at you since you would rather masturbate to porn, chase slutty women, and smoke dope all day. So sorry. God is justice. But guess what, he's incredibly merciful and loving to. But you like harping about his justice and remain ignorant of the love and mercy. Ya know why he didn't just wipe man out instantly? He gave man time to repent while Noah built the ark. Ooooh! Hateful God eh! 07-10-10 19:08:39 __________________________________________________ |
Ventura County Sheriff's Department - Class 2006-3
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Duration: 09:59 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-13 23:46:55 User: jasonsli2 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: A video of the Ventura County Sheriff's Department Academy Class 2006-3 |
Comments | |
travisbickle11 ::: Favorites Such a great song, Dont Stop Believing. That is the truth! Perfect for an academy video, the truth. 07-09-15 22:17:49 __________________________________________________ | |
LAKings420 ::: Favorites maybe me in 2 years 07-08-29 19:37:44 __________________________________________________ | |
jasonsli2 ::: Favorites cool...tell me about the academy if you're gonna join 07-08-29 22:15:07 __________________________________________________ |
Tv. Peruana: La Semana del 15 ~ 22 de Agosto (1/3)
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Duration: 10:16 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-23 17:46:53 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Retrospectiva del Terremoto, edición especial. |
Comments | |
gonnox ::: Favorites que buena copilación 07-09-03 00:24:08 __________________________________________________ |
El Rock and roll en el Perú - Documental (2/2)
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Duration: 10:03 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-23 15:36:37 User: sheenny :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: II Parte Plus Tv (Cable) 'A la vuelta de la esquina' Gonzalo Torres |
Comments | |
franky1823 ::: Favorites en verdad ellos son los precursores del punk? no lo sabia,casi no me gusta el punk pero seria un orgullo como peruano q sea verdad 07-10-05 23:32:25 __________________________________________________ | |
Thecrowperu ::: Favorites Muy bueen documentall.. muy buien programa "A la Vuelat de la Esquina" gracias por subirlo .... 07-10-03 15:12:17 __________________________________________________ | |
nettozu ::: Favorites buenaa calavera de galloo!! 07-09-02 04:46:03 __________________________________________________ | |
pietroU19 ::: Favorites ChvR,S Fueron en su momento 07-08-30 19:43:22 __________________________________________________ | |
23121974 ::: Favorites ..esssse Gonzalete.............. 07-08-30 05:39:39 __________________________________________________ |
プリンセス・プリンセス DING DONG
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Duration: 04:37 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-20 08:53:28 User: jironack :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Princess Princess |
Comments | |
bonita82 ::: Favorites thanx 4 adding! GREAT! vid @!! 07-10-15 00:21:31 __________________________________________________ | |
hiakungfu ::: Favorites Thanks for posting ~ 07-09-03 02:57:58 __________________________________________________ |
X Factor - Barcelona's Penelope
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Duration: 04:30 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-22 11:45:56 User: royalmcqueen2007 :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: Here's the audition from Penelope from Barcelona, who had Sharon & Louise in stitches, singing Over The Rainbow and Fields of Gold. Only to be put through in the end. |
Comments | |
Heiduli95 ::: Favorites Thats funny when Sharon says : Im gonna pee myself! :D LOLLL 07-10-10 07:55:34 __________________________________________________ | |
insanegeorge ::: Favorites what the hell is sharon doing at 1:41 to 1:46 it sounds hairlarious! 07-10-09 15:45:54 __________________________________________________ | |
jamesrobertbrodie ::: Favorites its 2 07-10-06 12:32:12 __________________________________________________ | |
royalmcqueen2007 ::: Favorites this is from Season 1 or 2 07-10-02 15:32:23 __________________________________________________ | |
Nuriaxtube ::: Favorites whats edition the x factor its? 07-10-02 12:06:04 __________________________________________________ | |
schwantz037 ::: Favorites What a big mouth she has.. bet she gives a top BJ you could get ya balls in there s well. 07-10-01 18:43:13 __________________________________________________ | |
dannybeypafc ::: Favorites louis laugh is funny as fuk 07-09-25 10:37:44 __________________________________________________ | |
Ro5i3 ::: Favorites LOL :) 07-09-24 13:12:17 __________________________________________________ | |
jim2t6 ::: Favorites legendary!!! lol ... pure klass!!! 07-09-24 12:54:43 __________________________________________________ | |
Jynefur ::: Favorites LOLOLOLOL 07-09-24 10:36:39 __________________________________________________ |
Traveling in the American West #2
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Duration: 05:36 minutes Upload Time: 2007-08-11 04:48:50 User: ShinichiHIRANO :::: Favorites :::: Top Videos of Day |
Description: I went to the States with my family in March and April, 2007. All pictures were taken in the travel. #2 video contains visiting in Hollywood, DisneyLand, Universal Studios and Las Vegas. |
Comments | |
waletteia ::: Favorites cool 07-08-20 09:35:25 __________________________________________________ |