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Duration: 01:25 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-15 23:49:08 User: KittyCatKai567 :::: Favorites |
this is my favorite slideshow. weeeet. lol, it's pretty cool. |
Comments | |
kuramalover06 ::: Favorites I think that was really cool!^_^And I love da song!Lol Is it called Dream a dream? 06-07-18 15:59:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
KittyCatKai567 ::: Favorites yep, its called dream a dream. thank you!! i liked making it! 06-07-18 20:22:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
chibitrunksfan ::: Favorites cool! love it 06-07-20 04:07:33 _____________________________________________________ | |
KainMcDonnal ::: Favorites Super cool! 06-07-21 02:31:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
Enjyu123 ::: Favorites Super cool! 06-08-08 09:26:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
ra1020 ::: Favorites this song is kick ass on ddr 06-08-20 16:10:26 _____________________________________________________ | |
animerulez15 ::: Favorites i like the song and the vid too!!!! great job!!! 06-08-22 05:40:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Monday, September 3, 2007
Dream a Dream - B-daman
What size kettlebell is right for you?
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Duration: 03:58 minutes Upload Time: 07-03-27 10:32:59 User: aosjeff :::: Favorites |
Getting into kettlebell training? One of the 1st questions is what size to get. Since you sling these things around with momentum, it may be less than what you are used to with dumbbells. Here's a quick guide to help you pick the right size kettlebell. |
Comments | |
tessercat ::: Favorites I'm female and yet use a 16kg. I mean, he says most women start with an 8kg. That seems light to me. 07-08-22 17:28:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
gainera2582 ::: Favorites Regardless of what he started for recommendations, it was an informational video. Helped me decide on choosing the 24kg for my first bell based on my experience!!! 07-08-17 23:40:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
tysusmed ::: Favorites Great video! Why people would be petty enough to complain about the narrator speaking to 'women so soon' is beyond me... 07-08-14 17:57:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
blbouler ::: Favorites I traditionally prefer to stay out gender debate; however, in this case I think you're missing the bell, so to speak. The governing reason for the sudden start with women has to do with the order of sizes of the kettlebell. If you start with the lowest kettlebell first the likelihood of it being a women or a kid is high. 07-08-09 10:30:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
macybkauffman ::: Favorites Why not refer to women so soon? I work out with kettlebells a lot and I'm a woman. Patience is a virtue. :) 07-07-27 22:10:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
HOWYOUDOIN884 ::: Favorites Why does he start referring to the women so soon? He needs someone to write his script. If I didn't understand the motivation, I would've quit watching, since he singled out instructions for women so soon. I'm a man. 07-07-27 01:02:50 _____________________________________________________ | |
ivanovjet ::: Favorites That's incredible. I get my Master of Sport in Kettlebell in Soviet Union. I made it in my military in 1980 being Master of Sport in Acro. What a wonderful sport. The most important: it's not just isolated exercise for one particular group of muscles, it's a complex involving all body for this kind of lifting or pulling. Or punching. Or ripping. Or breaking. That's why Russian ultimate fighters and force are using them for workout. And they are the best. 07-07-12 02:06:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
wrestler50000 ::: Favorites Thank you! Your advice is noted!!! 07-06-20 09:28:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
aosjeff ::: Favorites Thanks. Yep, you'll get a lot of mileage out of those 16's. And, you'll still have lots of uses for them once you move up to a larger bell. When you are ready to move up, I'd suggest going for the 24kg. It's more substantial than moving up to the 20kg and that creates a really cool effect... you will leap forward in strength very quickly. 07-06-20 09:11:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
wrestler50000 ::: Favorites Great stuff. I am a regular gym guy, pushing my mid 20's. I have started off with 2 16Kg KettleBells. I feel they are a great start. I will go heavier, but 16Kg (or lighter) will still be effective for certain workouts. GREAT VIDEO "aosjeff" 07-06-20 08:47:05 _____________________________________________________ |
Jonas Brothers Quotes
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Duration: 03:40 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-14 00:01:02 User: iloveflight29down :::: Favorites |
a bunch of Jonas Brothers quotes and pictures. hop you enjoy. rate high! |
Comments | |
Star45675 ::: Favorites RaMdOMness!! lol- I fell in love with the song the frist time I heard it now and I still am! 07-09-02 19:26:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
luvnickjonas4eva ::: Favorites miley, the i luv myself jacket... crazy! 07-08-31 11:37:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
iloveflight29down ::: Favorites LOL!!!! 07-08-29 18:03:29 _____________________________________________________ | |
donatrilla ::: Favorites At 1:18-Except me of course :P 07-08-29 15:34:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
iloveflight29down ::: Favorites oh thats AWSOME!!! i LOVE pink! lol! its my fav! lol! 07-08-28 17:34:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
GangsterJuice13 ::: Favorites i have a poster of the pic on 13 seconds! the backgroud is pink though 07-08-28 08:33:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
JonasBrothers777 ::: Favorites Where did you get the quotes? please please please please please please tell me! pretty pink please? 07-08-24 21:16:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
iloveflight29down ::: Favorites yes sure just dont take of my credits. kk? 07-08-22 18:56:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
danzingchic14 ::: Favorites hey can i use this on myspace? 07-08-22 00:07:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
LovesJess ::: Favorites OMG, the Jonas brothers r so funny! ha, silly Jonas Brothers. *seigh* 07-08-21 23:07:18 _____________________________________________________ |
Inter campione d'Italia - Tutti i goal del 15° scudetto (2)
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Duration: 10:55 minutes Upload Time: 07-04-24 06:30:09 User: LOCALSURFFORUM :::: Favorites |
L'Inter si aggiudica il suo 15° scudetto. Il LOCALSURF FORUM e l'INTER vi offrono tutti i goal segnati per diventare campioni d'Italia. Il video lo potete trovare nel LOCALSURF FORUM Http://Localsurf.forumfree.net |
Comments | |
Ghost8158 ::: Favorites bellissima anche la seconda parte stupendoooooooooooo 07-04-26 08:35:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites sei solo ridicolo e ci fai godere.........coglione juventino ahahahah 07-05-01 17:37:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
MPavone91 ::: Favorites FORZA INTER!!!!!!!!! 07-05-17 16:52:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
vinave77 ::: Favorites complimenti! secondo me nella seconda parte dovresti inserire i gol delle ultime giornate. FORZA INTER! 07-05-27 11:14:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites Sono tutti i goal del 15° scudetto e non tutti i goal della stagione^^ 07-05-27 13:31:58 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites questione di vedute....da quando c'è lui abbiamo ricominciato a vincere 07-06-17 04:12:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Leleinterista ::: Favorites belle tutte e due le parti 07-06-22 18:33:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites naturalmente^^ 07-06-22 18:53:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
nobile79 ::: Favorites siccome sn nuovo cm facco a scaricare i video ke mi piacciono!!! 07-07-11 14:15:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites Vieni su Localsurf.forumfree. net e richiedilo nella sezione VIDEO E IMMAGINI 07-07-12 12:39:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
PadronEdo ::: Favorites Bravo bel video rende merito alla squadra più meritovele del campionato 2006/2007 e il bello deve ancora venire... 07-07-24 09:02:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
LOCALSURFFORUM ::: Favorites Salve a tutti. Si riaprono le iscrizioni per l'edizione 2007/2008 del LOCALSURF FORUM FANTACALCIO. L'unico fantacalcio gratuito che ti permette di vincere veri premi. Cosa aspetti, scopri come partecipare leggendo qui: Localsurf.forumfree. net/?t=10012655 07-08-21 09:20:43 _____________________________________________________ |
Edward Scissorhands: The Stage Adaptation
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Duration: 02:46 minutes Upload Time: 06-11-26 18:14:07 User: eshtour :::: Favorites |
http://www.edwardscissorhandstour.com Video montage from Edward Scissorhands, a new stage adaptation of Tim Burton's classic motion picture by Matthew Bourne. |
Comments | |
janny825 ::: Favorites wow i saw this a few months back in L.A. and it was so awesome. :) 07-09-02 05:40:52 _____________________________________________________ | |
Majora66 ::: Favorites wow there was a show to!!!! how cool!!! 07-08-31 17:54:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
Frodita1987 ::: Favorites So beautiful!! 07-08-20 06:12:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
Xatike ::: Favorites This would have been crazy to see. All the charisma in this video makes it seem like it would have been a memorable experience. I feel shafted. 07-08-15 05:04:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
MurderousxLenore ::: Favorites I saw this back in March, at the Fox Theatre in St. Louis... I cried so hard.... I almost cry just watching these clips. It was beautiful. simply beautiful. 07-08-08 20:29:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
LaRhumba ::: Favorites Sam Archer as Edward was fantastic, so much charisma on stage, vulnerability, and a great actor/dancer. He was fab in Bourne's Play Without Words too, met him there, and a really sweet guy, with plenty of time for the fans. :-) 07-08-08 15:21:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
vandalxd ::: Favorites wow....great show....i am not sure about the edward they picked....but still great 07-08-03 13:14:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
DancersAreCool ::: Favorites I have never seen the show. Very interesting. 07-08-01 17:14:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
vampangel2007 ::: Favorites Absolutely loved the show, when it snowed - beautiful! 07-07-31 11:53:10 _____________________________________________________ | |
synthpopfan ::: Favorites Hi, Is the music being played on this video also on the cd from the London Stage Premiere Recording from 2006? Thanks 07-07-31 01:26:01 _____________________________________________________ |
Astral Projection - Dancing Galaxy
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Duration: 06:42 minutes Upload Time: 06-04-07 17:55:31 User: zenica4life :::: Favorites |
Video |
Comments | |
ptrmm ::: Favorites old boring shit..... hate life eat my knife 07-08-14 11:26:28 _____________________________________________________ | |
tottallyoff ::: Favorites I think its a tossup between them and Xerox 07-04-04 10:47:37 _____________________________________________________ | |
talibi22 ::: Favorites AP - The Gods of Goa! What Bob Marley is to Reggae, AP is to me to Goa 07-02-19 19:22:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
shintorivamp0 ::: Favorites AP is too good 07-02-19 16:30:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
omis1006 ::: Favorites doesn't get any better than this, AP is the tish 07-02-07 23:16:16 _____________________________________________________ | |
zenica4life ::: Favorites AP IS THE BEST! 07-01-05 18:47:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
ThomasVlogDK ::: Favorites No doubt AP is the best guys ever! 07-01-05 15:30:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
waggabiggadoo ::: Favorites my favv ap 06-08-23 04:30:27 _____________________________________________________ | |
roxasrotel ::: Favorites AP FOR EVER !!! 06-08-21 01:38:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
asicveg ::: Favorites Dune+AP! NICE.. 06-08-05 19:01:57 _____________________________________________________ |
me doing frickin spiderman - davij
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Duration: 00:16 minutes Upload Time: 07-07-26 14:42:39 User: indianposion455 :::: Favorites |
thanks to shomail for recording the videos but its all blurry most of it expect for this one |
Comments | |
ADM4LIFE ::: Favorites nice! 07-07-26 20:03:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
lprox152 ::: Favorites you cuz are retards, you have no talent at all 07-07-26 20:55:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
indianposion455 ::: Favorites u know i can just delete your comment and lets see u doing it better 07-07-26 21:22:15 _____________________________________________________ | |
lprox152 ::: Favorites why would i do that shit? im not a loser like you guys 07-07-26 21:26:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
indianposion455 ::: Favorites hey u just stick with your piano skills alright? 07-07-26 21:28:17 _____________________________________________________ | |
indianposion455 ::: Favorites youtube (DOT) com / watch ? v= n6XuSLefuVI no space! 07-07-26 21:30:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
lprox152 ::: Favorites oh yeah, im indian too lol 07-07-26 21:38:38 _____________________________________________________ | |
lprox152 ::: Favorites LOL, good luck with that 07-07-26 21:46:03 _____________________________________________________ | |
RevengeOfDeath ::: Favorites i can not do any better lol niether can you l prox 07-07-26 23:57:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
streetclimber44 ::: Favorites cool 07-07-27 00:05:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
yayagowo ::: Favorites niiice!!!! 07-07-27 00:13:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
indianposion455 ::: Favorites youtube . com / watch ? v = u 7 g x w j k D _ R c no space read the descriction too 07-07-27 22:16:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
indyanbigboy89 ::: Favorites wow dude ur a monkey. u sure can get around and stfu Iprox152. i like to see u have the balls to climb that bitch 07-07-31 01:21:17 _____________________________________________________ |
Paul Simon & Art Garfunkel 2 - Slip Slidin' Away
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Duration: 05:30 minutes Upload Time: 06-12-30 20:06:36 User: almirCCR :::: Favorites |
Concert in Central Park - 1981 |
Comments | |
veroden1 ::: Favorites MRC0480 i was at that concert too my sister got me the ticket for my 22nd bday and i was thrilled i love paul simon and art and i went to see paul last yr in wembley both concerts were great 07-06-06 21:11:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
MRC0480 ::: Favorites Pehaps your right. Its about 50:50. I think they were always a bit love hate. Pleased they got back together as a duo and have toured recently. Their concert in Hyde Park 3 years ago was a pleasure to be at- absoultely epic. 07-05-07 12:29:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
ANTONIOAMADO ::: Favorites great music...great music....I love it!!! 07-04-07 14:43:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
garfunkelsimonno1 ::: Favorites But what about the times during this concert, when they pat each other or put their arms around the other? I wouldn't call that bad body language. Don't forget this is live. 07-04-04 07:26:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
garfunkelsimonno1 ::: Favorites Couldn't agree more. 07-04-04 07:22:11 _____________________________________________________ | |
rony626 ::: Favorites The Masters at work 07-04-03 19:30:00 _____________________________________________________ | |
harcke ::: Favorites they had not spoken to each other for a long time. 07-04-01 03:27:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jelloeyessuck ::: Favorites Art looks like he doesn't get it.. 07-03-27 19:02:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
moonrose1234 ::: Favorites How them voice are different! But how wonderful they sound together! LOVELY! 07-02-10 06:23:08 _____________________________________________________ | |
MRC0480 ::: Favorites Its funny. They were going though one (of many) bad patches as a duo. Very evident through the whole of this concert from their body language and they make subtle snipes at each other...lol 07-02-01 10:54:55 _____________________________________________________ |
I like to Move it move it!!
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Duration: 01:24 minutes Upload Time: 06-07-16 14:02:15 User: KittyCatKai567 :::: Favorites |
My second b-daman slideshow that i have published, still trying to get that pbj time one on there.... |
Comments | |
kuramalover06 ::: Favorites I love that!!Whats the guy with The cap on called?The one with purple eyes. 06-07-19 13:47:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
KittyCatKai567 ::: Favorites i think you're talking about li... which one? the guy in red? 06-07-19 13:59:19 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuramalover06 ::: Favorites Oh no hes not in it.Lol Do you know the new guy with a cap on and it has horns coming out?He was pulling Yamatos mouth in one of the shows. 06-07-19 14:02:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
KittyCatKai567 ::: Favorites oh, i dont remember, sorry. ^^;; 06-07-19 20:13:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuramalover06 ::: Favorites Oh now I know!Hes called Gannos!Lol Well thanks anyway.^^But is that song-Crazy frog move it club mix? 06-07-20 08:21:20 _____________________________________________________ | |
KittyCatKai567 ::: Favorites i think so. haha. 06-07-21 16:44:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
kuramalover06 ::: Favorites Lol.By the way do you know what song ''karisalamon'' used for Terry Tribute?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sWT4HSyMsXo I know the songs called break up but do you know the band or Artist by any chance? 06-07-21 17:41:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
Enjyu123 ::: Favorites coooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 06-08-11 09:57:35 _____________________________________________________ |
I,m like a bird , Nelly Furtado
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Duration: 04:14 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-25 17:35:11 User: irenfinta :::: Favorites |
me singing I,m like a bird by Nelly Furtado |
Comments | |
Ytb15 ::: Favorites Wow sweet Job You Go Girl... 07-09-02 23:53:30 _____________________________________________________ | |
adorian33 ::: Favorites hey hello hi hope you are having a good day, well when you get some singles together of your own, maybe i can help with the mastering; i have a sound engineer and top end equipment, so hook me a line or two when you are ready. sruffy goat productions Australia P D M Adorian. 07-09-02 22:33:57 _____________________________________________________ | |
JohnnyB719 ::: Favorites no, you're beautiful.. again, you obviously love singing, your passion shows... train your voice with a proffesional coach and you would definately make it big time. Thats a compliment, not an insult.. . 07-09-02 04:54:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
megzy0music ::: Favorites I Love You But ITs Loud... 07-09-01 23:31:12 _____________________________________________________ | |
irenfinta ::: Favorites and of course this is my voice, i take it as a compliment from you, if you have an ear and listen to my other videos you,ll figure it out 07-09-01 13:46:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
irenfinta ::: Favorites thank you very much, for my videoquality blame my webcam , for my voice my microphone and my knowledge of using it 07-09-01 13:43:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
happy1bunny ::: Favorites no dis is'nt ur reel voice + ur lips r way of and how cuold u have a higher voice den dah whole song ha!!!! 07-09-01 12:58:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
shreyajoshy ::: Favorites love your voice i wonder when am i going to sing like you.its amazing 07-09-01 02:13:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
ShokoDemon ::: Favorites sweet vid =} 07-08-31 23:30:56 _____________________________________________________ | |
zinke86 ::: Favorites You're a good singer! It's a pitty, that the video is not so clear (sound after speaking). 07-08-31 19:19:46 _____________________________________________________ |
Future Cosplay
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Duration: 05:23 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-23 20:22:51 User: blondewolf2 :::: Favorites |
COSPLAY-MADD-NESS!!! Cosplay videos Future: THERE ARE NOT 100% done yet. * DEATH NOTE video. * miyavi cosplay (asian dude) * ryiuchi cosplay Im pretty Pissed cause I didn't get paid dis week, so it's goina delay my videos I was planing to do, now tat im broke. I'll do them once Im not a cheap Mexican. |
Comments | |
ThePerfectKagome ::: Favorites Sorry bout your money issue. By the way, what is that thing? It looks like a rabbit. 07-09-02 22:41:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
Veralyn99 ::: Favorites 4:39-4:44, that "trash man" sounds more like a mechanical bee. ^_^ HAHAHA 07-09-02 03:54:43 _____________________________________________________ | |
xxSolidxTearsxx ::: Favorites PCKY!!! -gllomp- Which flavor do you have? 07-08-30 21:26:31 _____________________________________________________ | |
youkid7 ::: Favorites check-mate .... bitch! quote of the month that! I swear it! 07-08-30 17:31:59 _____________________________________________________ | |
miuki19 ::: Favorites FOR THE LOVE OF GOD TAKE ME NOW!!!^///^ KIDDING (sort of)Whats your myspace???? 07-08-29 23:56:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
DeadlyReverie ::: Favorites :D Miyavi cosplay! -is uber excited- 07-08-29 20:09:07 _____________________________________________________ | |
wolfrain14 ::: Favorites I LOVE MIYAVI<333 07-08-29 14:09:53 _____________________________________________________ | |
PooperMcPoopenstein ::: Favorites you're such a goth :D 07-08-29 13:04:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
PooperMcPoopenstein ::: Favorites ...needs a beter wig if you ask me... 07-08-29 13:00:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
VDchan ::: Favorites Yay.. I hope, that your situation is better now ôo And yeah, don't kiss-ass. It's not a fine job. The job can't be so good, that you need to do it, in my opinion '-' Damn.. you look good as Miyavi. If you really do a Miyavi-vid I'll be more obsessed of him and your cosplay-job than I already am xD. 07-08-28 08:52:30 _____________________________________________________ |
How to play Missing You - 1st Lady on piano (Tutorial)
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Duration: 02:53 minutes Upload Time: 07-06-17 00:20:53 User: Zboy92 :::: Favorites |
Just a quick tutorial that shows the major chords of the song on piano that repeat over and over again throughout the song. THe song may play the chords in different orders but this is mainly for the intro. NOTE: YOU MAY NEED TO TURN UP YOUR SPEAKERS. |
Comments | |
Ihatebigwords ::: Favorites yay! u rock 07-06-18 15:06:42 _____________________________________________________ | |
dutchk2l ::: Favorites good video but you are not playing this in the right key!!!!! 07-07-03 12:46:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
sprintsdaughter ::: Favorites because of the quality of the video i cant see what ur playing 07-07-07 22:01:41 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zboy92 ::: Favorites You can! I play all the parts with one finger, then play them together then I put the chords together with the added parts. 07-07-09 06:43:09 _____________________________________________________ | |
xbabyytee ::: Favorites THIS IS A TRUE THING!!PASTE THIS MESSAGE INTO 3 COMMENTS AND HIT ALT F4 AND YOUR CRUSSHES NAME WILL APPEAR!!it will be a little scary at first but its cool!!! 07-07-09 18:38:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
ChRiStInEAkACiCi ::: Favorites THIS IS A TRUE THING!!PASTE THIS MESSAGE INTO 3 COMMENTS AND HIT ALT F4 AND YOUR CRUSSHES NAME WILL APPEAR!!it will be a little scary at first but its cool!!! 07-07-11 17:00:36 _____________________________________________________ | |
sprintsdaughter ::: Favorites haha yea i said that before i saw that u did that i didnt notice the like now learn part thx ur tutorial helped loads 07-07-15 14:07:14 _____________________________________________________ | |
mhclarkson ::: Favorites First, this "tutorial" is on a keyboard, not a piano. I may say, not even a good keyboard. Second of all, you're not playing the right keys. If you wanna teach somebody how to play some music, you got first to teach yourself. You got lost when you were playing! But, good try! 07-08-06 19:39:47 _____________________________________________________ | |
brianabvermont ::: Favorites Hot college babes hangout on cam at >> collegestudentcams DOT com << 07-08-17 10:59:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
wwediva2015 ::: Favorites I need your help!!! I need the instrumental version of this song! PLEASE, help me!! Its VERY important!! Please!!!! 07-08-18 08:01:22 _____________________________________________________ | |
Zboy92 ::: Favorites this is the instrumental version? 07-08-18 08:05:05 _____________________________________________________ | |
wwediva2015 ::: Favorites yeah but thats not the studio quality, you know i need that for a show. It very important for me! 07-08-19 10:28:23 _____________________________________________________ |
Southern Sun (Request)
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Duration: 04:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-08-01 14:21:51 User: DancingHeather :::: Favorites |
Song by Paul Oakenfold, my lip sync and video |
Comments | |
SpoNTaNeouSPL ::: Favorites WspaniaÅ‚a Kobieta jak i utwór :) 07-09-01 16:55:51 _____________________________________________________ | |
enzo041 ::: Favorites ease up on the foundation!lol 07-09-01 09:07:48 _____________________________________________________ | |
tubeheadz ::: Favorites This video is good stuff :) I like the song to chill to 07-08-30 16:25:34 _____________________________________________________ | |
XORXE ::: Favorites ╔╗╔═╦╗ ║╚╣║║╚╗ ╚═╩═╩═╝ you sing and are more cute than Alizee :) 07-08-29 03:17:04 _____________________________________________________ | |
KaGuTsuChi85 ::: Favorites Yay!! Very nice video , as always ;) I m still in love each time i see your eyes ;) cheers.. Achraf 07-08-24 04:25:25 _____________________________________________________ | |
Jerez911 ::: Favorites Woow..!! You are really cute... and what a beautiful eyes..!! Cheers... 07-08-23 14:14:55 _____________________________________________________ | |
atlplayer69 ::: Favorites good job, tiesto remix is better i think, but this was the first tiem i hear the original very nicee 07-08-18 21:02:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
happycamper713 ::: Favorites Hi;) 07-08-13 21:28:21 _____________________________________________________ | |
viewsonic31 ::: Favorites please add me 2 your msn 07-08-10 05:23:49 _____________________________________________________ | |
270404 ::: Favorites viel zu viel Make Up aber trotzdem nett 07-08-08 14:30:22 _____________________________________________________ |
All I Forget - The Sheer
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Duration: 04:54 minutes Upload Time: 07-02-05 10:49:59 User: TheSheerrocks :::: Favorites |
Music video by Jonathan Weyland |
Comments | |
RaggerTube ::: Favorites Heerlijk nummer;) 07-05-29 16:29:45 _____________________________________________________ | |
farhannazri ::: Favorites xpham 07-05-18 01:15:39 _____________________________________________________ | |
evviegonni ::: Favorites hehe ben je meisje of jongen 07-04-23 12:57:54 _____________________________________________________ | |
evanescence93tatu ::: Favorites leuk liedje van the sheer 07-04-17 10:12:23 _____________________________________________________ | |
666sickness666 ::: Favorites op 3.00 is wel nice :D hehehe 07-04-10 08:28:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
girl1642 ::: Favorites :D 07-04-10 05:34:46 _____________________________________________________ | |
Immie1 ::: Favorites Super liedje! <3 07-03-24 15:48:01 _____________________________________________________ | |
Keesiebeesie ::: Favorites Hun mooiste nummer tot nu toe, prachtige clip 07-03-22 16:26:44 _____________________________________________________ | |
evviegonni ::: Favorites op 1.20 ben ik heeheheh 07-03-19 13:27:18 _____________________________________________________ | |
AlisaFardau ::: Favorites Oh, I like to go out in the rain September rain .. Super mooi numer! 07-03-05 14:36:14 _____________________________________________________ |