Saturday, October 20, 2007

Security gaurd ejects illegals

Duration: 04:56 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-09 17:37:20
User: GSBAmerica
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home depot security gaurd has had enough with illegals


harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
I would have beat the living shit out of that wetback spic.
07-09-06 04:17:15
harmlesshamster ::: Favorites
I love seeing this!
07-09-06 04:16:02
jorgitoesbonito ::: Favorites
Stop waisting you time this is why we have the law and stop protesting it doesnt do anything damn idiots. no body cares.
07-09-06 01:44:42
Superbeast1370 ::: Favorites
GSBAmerica, he's an idiot and he has the right to do this because HE IS A SECURITY GUARD.
07-09-03 11:27:10
GSBAmerica ::: Favorites
You are a chump I would love to see on a battle field because the MRE's don't have enough shit paper and you are soft enough to finish the job of wiping my ass in style and comfort,hope shit doesen't stik to you'r fur
07-09-03 03:58:32
TonyToca30 ::: Favorites
I dont know the whole story and neather none of the others, But one thing I got was that the woman who recorded this is a dutchbag. That security guard does not have the rigth to push anybody. If anything! His job is to report to higher authority, like police. I would have knock his ass out for putting his hands on me.
07-09-03 02:42:41
needsumsun ::: Favorites
Lippman views: He saw the public as Plato did, a great beast or a bewildered herd -- floundering in the "chaos of local opinions." In other words, everyone is dumb except for him. The guy was an self centered asshole
07-09-02 12:21:28
DebBnGA ::: Favorites
Besides being law breakers, there's one other thing that illegals all have in common and that's ARROGANCE.
07-08-26 23:00:33
felliniesque2000 ::: Favorites
Well put. One comes here, learns the language, goes through channels and becomes a citizen. End of story. You don't come here like a rat, through the wall and gnaw off what shreds of our economy you can pirate.
07-08-26 10:44:45
InfiniteExistance ::: Favorites
They don't know that this land isn't theirs, they think they should have it.. so hmm I am sure that they don't think they should have to follow the USA's laws.. Sad really because its literally like they have all be programmed/brainwashed/super feed with false ideals..
07-08-18 18:44:32

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