Thursday, September 13, 2007

Ron Paul Speaks at USC 2 of 5 (

Duration: 08:59 minutes
Upload Time: 07-09-12 23:13:06
User: playaz33
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Description: Ron Paul visits the University of Southern California.

beckweth ::: Favorites
Why don't you? How else will he get in office? He's our revolution. A false two party system, it's one head with two ugly faces. Vote for the man not the ticket.
07-09-13 13:13:13
cmanw ::: Favorites
Praise is not enough to get this man in office! If you really want to make a difference, become a PCO in your precinct! It's easy, and fun, and the only way he's going to get nominated!!! Please research this, and e-mail me if you have any questions!
07-09-13 13:09:57
bamboooodmad ::: Favorites
Holy S**t, this guys got some balls! Do y'all realize that he's taking on the most powerful organizations in the world? Big Pharmaceutical, military industrial, central banking, etc. Let non-violent drug offenders go free? Hell ya! Do you know how much money is made off of the war on drugs? The prison system? I would shave off my beard and dreadlocks (freedomlocks) and ware a suit and tie if I thought it would get this man in office... RIGHT ON RON! Right in Ron...
07-09-13 12:03:46
Mangopork ::: Favorites
07-09-13 11:49:16
bamboooodmad ::: Favorites
Why do we love Ron Paul? Because we love freedom, truth, and our children's children. And because we are observant enough to recognize the real deal when we see it. He's not just a politician, he's a true statesman.
07-09-13 11:45:03
ladalang ::: Favorites
I love Ron Paul!
07-09-13 10:26:51
SushiSyogun ::: Favorites
07-09-13 08:43:28
unobb ::: Favorites
the rally at USC was awesome! I was there and so many people show up to support Dr. Paul!
07-09-13 02:56:06
towelieban3k ::: Favorites
Id like to see any other republican candidate attract enthusiastic college students to campus during summer vacation.
07-09-13 00:51:30
interpauler ::: Favorites
Become a Delegate or Ron Paul will NOT be President h t t p : / / w w w 3(dot)webng(dot)com/ronpaul/becomedelegate.html Ron Paul WILL abolish the IRS and income tax for a fairer system! RonPaul2008 . c o m
07-09-13 00:49:32

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