Saturday, August 25, 2007

familly guy

Duration: 00:34 minutes
Upload Time: 06-08-19 01:13:22
User: gannatome
:::: Favorites

peanut butter jelly tim waya waya waya

maceysayshi ::: Favorites
lol. Peanut butter jelly time.
07-08-09 10:15:05
FDNY4life ::: Favorites
so fkn funny
07-07-03 21:04:46
2muchdollars ::: Favorites
ths was so funny i couldd watch over and over
07-06-13 20:37:48
15nelly15 ::: Favorites
loooooooooool hilarius
07-06-03 10:04:59
fuctfamily666 ::: Favorites
he does say where he at and there he go u r-tards
07-03-08 15:30:09
ChidoriRasengan13 ::: Favorites
07-03-07 22:40:36
Kunaioflife ::: Favorites
acctually its where he at where he at where he at now there he go there he go there he go so STFU
07-03-05 23:06:11
ktkaul ::: Favorites
LOL peanut butter jellly with a baseball bat i luv it
07-03-03 21:56:33
xmodskidd ::: Favorites
remy go suck a dick
07-03-03 01:28:24
brokeded ::: Favorites
awesome i love family guy :D
07-03-01 08:51:30
sweetensour94 ::: Favorites
LOL I love this video soooooooooo much
07-02-05 22:07:12
drsamb ::: Favorites
did fammilly guy invent that song?
07-01-31 12:36:37
ganondork0 ::: Favorites
wow smart ass of course they didnt
07-02-05 16:35:55
ss15goku ::: Favorites
Man just ignor ganondork0. He's just bein mean. lol.
07-02-14 15:54:32
UR2GOOD2BTRU ::: Favorites
sweet ass video...teeeeecccchhhhnnnnoooo shit!!!!
07-01-04 23:44:20
remy5858 ::: Favorites
07-01-01 22:46:55
ss15goku ::: Favorites
F**k you then.
07-02-04 13:00:04
remy5858 ::: Favorites
fuck you white nigger!
07-02-05 00:00:09
Mista2112 ::: Favorites
gayest shit ever.. not funny at all
06-12-05 20:09:50
ss15goku ::: Favorites
Well then you gay.
07-02-04 13:00:28

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